Monday, 27 October 2014

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Analytical Jurisprudence: Hart's Theory

Analytical Jurisprudence: legal theory that tries to understand nature of law and H.L.A Hart is probably an influential person in this.
-       It is the analysis of existing conceptual framework of and about law. (law matters discussion).
-       Constructs new conceptual framework and rational justifications of practices that are existing and what to be proposed.
-       Language based analysis
§  Austin came up with his Theory of Command which was later criticized by Hart as well as on the position of Austin’s laws properly so called.
ü  Theory of Command:-
-                    Law is the command of sovereign backed by sanctions for non compliance
-       It is a sovereign if the bulk of community would have the habit to obey and submit to that law
-                    Austin insisted command theory supports legal positivism
-       Sovereign can issue morally acceptable/wicked commands & moral is another thing to look at
-       Hart says can suit in criminal and tort matter but may not be sufficient in the modern legal system if merely back by threats.
ü  Laws Properly So called
-          This involves the discussion of what are laws properly so called and not properly so called. Refers to the discussion of international law.
-          Positive laws set by political superiors who are sovereign
-          Species of command where it not complied can be punished when disobeyed.
ü  Laws Improperly So Called
-          Austin claims international laws are laws improperly so called because it doesn’t derive from that sovereign and lacked of power to command compliance. Form of morality set and mere opinion. It is law by analogy
-          The criteria to determine if they are laws properly so called or improperly so called is based on:-
i.                    Sovereign
ii.                  Command
iii.                Sanction (need to fulfill this to saw properly so called)
If they don’t have political sovereign means no strict sense of positive law and therefore are laws improperly so called. Other criticisms of Austin theories is that is does not encompass variety of laws.

Back to HART
Legal system is a system of social rules and they regulate the conduct of members in the society and social rules can be divided into 2:-
A.           Primary rules à where it imposes rules such as criminal law and torts law rules (substantive rules)
B.            Secondary rules à conferring the rules such as rules that facilitate or regulate, governing composition of court etc (procedural rules and adjective rules)
-          Divided into 3 different types of rules here:-
·         Rules of adjudication: example judges have the authority to pass judgments to order damages and sentence.
·         Rules of change: Allow the change by giving parliament the power to enact legislations so that they can amend and enact legislations accordingly based on the change of the social behavior and development. Examples would be the enactment of Malaysia’s Law Reform Marriage & Divorce Act as well amendment to the Penal Code.
·         Rules of recognition: It is the rule that is accepted by common standard of the public officials. (look into rule of behavior as well where it is valid according to system and must generally be obeyed by the people). To determine whether or not the rule is part of the legal system. (1) Single rule or recognition, (2) various criteria of validity where it is supreme and not necessarily the sole or ultimate.
§  Hart further went on to state that in primitive forms they follow the common standard but no power conferring to secondary rules but when the society has developed, concept of legislature should be introduced. (This is similar to what Jean Jacques Rosseau stated)
§  Hart provides that primitive law and international laws are laws.
§  Acknowledges overlap between law and morality but not necessarily derive from morality
§  Both the primary and secondary rules have internal and external aspects.
A.                                                             Internal Aspect: not only looking at the social pressure but also viewpoint of people from the inner on the matter. For example Johovah witness on the issue of blood transfusion. What would one from the inside compared to the outsider think. Rules of habits is different from this. There is moral justification to it as well.
i.           Committed statements: made by persons who accept the rules
ii.         Detached statement: made by person who accepts but don’t commit themselves.
B.     External Aspect: What outsider would describe the law as.

-       Legal system officials must accept certain standards as part of rule of recognition
-       Accepted and practiced by the officials
-       Do not need to approve of it as morally good/justified rule

-       Private citizens also obey the rule generally


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