Monday, 27 October 2014

07:06 - No comments

SummaryOf Hart's Theories of Law & Adjudication

§  Hart is a soft positivist: legal theory that believes society may incorporate principles of morality.
§  Criticized on Austin’s command theory saying in the modern legal system not sufficient of merely having it back by threats and sanctions.
§  Being Obliged: à        forced to obey the law by threats and punishments. Here, they will obey the law and to allow prediction of what people would do.
§  Having Obligation: à feeling for one reason or another that we ought to obey the law. It is made out of habit as well, a sense that it is the right moral thing to do.
§  Hart does not require sanction to have the matter understood as law.
§  White Man’s Magic:à It is to confound (confuse) dark powers of legislation. Besides that it is on the matter on constitutionalism words that will not lead to anything and therefore make known as the White Man’s version of Ghost Dance. It is also a term used to describe sovereign ideologies which are misplaced.
§  For legal system to be effective; it must have
ü                     There must be a general adherence to the primary rules by the bulk of the operation
ü  Officials must also accept though not necessarily approved (see example of passing of our constitution where public might not be aware but officials are)

Critique of Rule of Recognition
1.    John Finnis: à Hart leaves insufficiently specified the most of attitude towards the rule of recognition that the officials have. There must be a central set of elements that constitutes official’s acceptance of rule or recognition.
2.    Dworkin: à      does not agree that allowing the judge’s discretion to make law than to enforce in through cases.

Hart v Fuller Debate on morality
v So now after the 2nd World War and collapsed of Third Reich, focus was immediately given to the case which is known as “grudge informer” case. Grudge cases are understood as for those who lived under the Nazi jurisdiction to use the oppressive laws and procedures for personal satisfaction or settlement, grudges and ambitions.
v This defendant here wants to get rid of her husband who is a German soldier and she therefore went and made report to the authorities that he had made unpleasant critics of Hitler. Upon this, he was then convicted and condemned to death but was postponed.
v The woman here was held guilty because she made such a report with bad intention and malice by the postwar (west) German Court. The judgment was not made due to the invalid law on moral grounds.
-       There was later some misunderstanding which had led to the debate between Hart v Fuller when they had the impression that the postwar court had decided that the laws in question were formally invalidated due to immoral substance, but the judgment actually was not make based on the moral principles-

Argument on Grudge Informer Case
Hart admitted that actions of grudge informers may have deserved punishment but if want to punish should enact a retrospective law instead on bringing up the question of morality.
Formalistic conception of duty to obey and in the past during Nazi’s time, they had no choice but to consider moral question in their attempt to rebuild viable legal order.
Look at what existed in the legal system at that time
He don’t embrace natural law in religious sense but treats morality on par as international law
Whether rules was unjust or irrational don’t affect legal status
Strong moral reason to disobey the law can outweigh the morality of fidelity
Moral issues (positivist view) should not be considered within legal system
If law is immoral it loses its legitimacy and provides strong reasons for not enforcing it
It should not invalidate law on the basis of moral judgment
Linked to technical law making process where for law to be legitimate, must be in accordance with natural law principle
Nazi’s laws were legitimately enacted and enforced
Suggested the law of grudge informers operating are not likely valid in moral sense so it is not a system of law but system of terror
Wife should not be punished for the following law
Retrospective legislation merely gives effect to illegitimacy of Nazi laws.
Retrospective legislation enforced validly

·                In 1942, Hitler launched operation Barbosa to attack Russia and its plan was to take Moscow by Christmas
·                German soldiers did not prepare winter clotting thinking they can defeat on time
·                However, underestimated Russian soldier and German soldiers were here trapped in Stalingrad without enough food and winter clothing
·                Commander in Chief General Paclus received instruction from Hitler to continue fighting
·                Commander in Chief General Paclus was captured and sent to Russia as POW, they surrendered
·                That winter was the coldest in 12 years and Russia Front was the battle front


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